Here We Stand Currently Querying

Alexander Scholari walks through the world using a name that isn’t his. Only a few select people know his true name. As the hidden informer for the New York underworld, his anonymity and conformity buys him his safety, and the safety of those around him. That is, until he reunites with someone from his past.

Aryana Parekh is a journalist hunting down a story in the dark that no one else believes is true. She used to know Alex by his real name. Their chance meeting ignites Alex’s desire to live beyond the confines of fear and break away from the underworld. And then he dies.

Finding himself in an eternal chasm, Alex will go through any means necessary to get his life back, even if it means making a deal with Death.

The Boarding School Survival Guide

A must-read for all new boarders! The guide will tell you all you need to know to navigate school away from home. Written in the first person about the boarding school experience, the author shares personal stories to highlight the reasons to consider attending boarding school and what to do after you arrive.